Benefits of CO2 tolerance for runners

As a runner, you may already be aware of the benefits of building up your cardiovascular endurance and improving your lung capacity. However, have you ever considered the benefits of increasing your carbon dioxide (CO2) tolerance? Freedivers use CO2 tables to build up their tolerance to high levels of carbon dioxide, which can have significant benefits for your running performance.

Apnea tables are used by freedivers to increase their breath-holding time and prepare for deep dives. These tables involve holding your breath for increasingly longer periods of time, with short rests in between, to gradually increase your ability to hold your breath. This creates a buildup of CO2 in the body, which forces the body to adapt and tolerate higher levels of CO2. By using apnea tables to build up your breath-holding capacity, you can increase your body's ability to tolerate high levels of CO2 during exercise, leading to improved running performance.

So, how can this benefit runners? Well, during exercise, our bodies produce CO2 as a byproduct of metabolism. When we breathe, we exhale this CO2, and inhale oxygen to support the ongoing metabolic processes in our body. However, during intense exercise, our bodies produce more CO2 than we can exhale, leading to a build-up of CO2 in the bloodstream. This can cause discomfort, fatigue, and even lead to a decreased performance.

By using CO2 tables to build up your tolerance to higher levels of carbon dioxide, you can increase your body's ability to tolerate CO2 during exercise. This means that you can train at higher intensities for longer periods of time before experiencing the discomfort associated with high levels of CO2. This can translate to improved running performance, as you can sustain higher speeds for longer durations.

Another benefit of building up your CO2 tolerance is improved mental fortitude. Holding your breath for extended periods of time can be uncomfortable and mentally challenging. By practicing CO2 tables, you can develop the mental toughness required to push through discomfort during running and other athletic endeavors.

It is important to note that building up CO2 tolerance should be done gradually and under the guidance of a trained professional. Attempting to hold your breath for long periods of time without proper preparation can be dangerous. However, with proper training and preparation, CO2 tables can be a valuable tool for improving your running performance and mental fortitude.

In conclusion, building up your CO2 tolerance through the use of freedivers' CO2 tables can have significant benefits for runners. By increasing your body's ability to tolerate high levels of CO2, you can improve your running performance and mental fortitude. However, it is important to approach this training method with caution and under the guidance of a trained professional.


  • "The Oxygen Advantage: Simple, Scientifically Proven Breathing Techniques to Help You Become Healthier, Slimmer, Faster, and Fitter" by Patrick McKeown
  • "Deep: Freediving, Renegade Science, and What the Ocean Tells Us about Ourselves" by James Nestor
  • "Freediving Manual: Learn How to Freedive 100 Feet on a Single Breath" by Mike McGuire and Eric Fattah.

Published on 12.03.2023