
Training plan

How to start 

Here is a basic routine that will help you start practicing if you're a beginner:

Step 1. Measure your personal best (from the left menu);

Step 2. Generate O2 and CO2 tables that match your PB (from the left menu);

Step 3. Practice these tables for 1-2 weeks or until you feel that they have become too easy for you. Repeat from Step 1.

If you already have experience doing apnea exercises — you can create tables manually or dive into advanced exercises such as Mix or Wonka.

How often to do exercises 

One table every other day is enough for fast progression. Alternate O2 and CO2 tables. If you want to do multiple exercises on the same day — split them apart (e.g. one table in the morning, another in the evening). However, keep in mind that the quality should be more important than the quantity. Focus on committing properly to the session, get yourself in the right mindset to do it, don't have any distractions.

What else to do 

A good physical condition will also benefit you in apnea. Make sure you have anaerobic and aerobic workouts in your schedule.

Stay healthy. If you don't feel good, take a rest.

Stay hydrated.

Eat healthy food, do not overeat. Avoid junk food.

Do not drink caffeine or alcohol before your training.